First, an apology: of late, I’ve had little time for writing, less inclination, and next to no ability. Perhaps I wrote myself out in my exams; perhaps I’ve had to expend all my energy just recuperating from what has been a draining year; perhaps I just wanted a break from scribbling. Whatever the reason, updates here have been a lot less frequent than I’d like, and for the last three weeks, completely nonexistent.

The computer problems I alluded to in my last post but one have been all but resolved; in a nutshell, I formatted my computer to fix one problem (an inability to upload files to FTP servers), and in doing so, created a tentacled mass of others, including hard drive corruption (I lost documents, movies, and a large chunk of my music collection), memory problems (I installed 1GB of new RAM, which didn’t play nicely with my existing memory; essentially it’s a motherboard problem, it doesn’t like having all four slots filled), and sundry other annoyances like the loss of all my emails (I backed them up, but the file corrupted).

Resolving my sundry difficulties has cost me a not inconsiderable amount of money (I bought a new graphics card, a new hard drive, new memory, and a new power supply), and a lot of time and irritation. That said, at least it’s fixed, and at least I seem to have salvaged a good deal of my important data (website files, for example).

So, exams are over, and the University year will soon be too (I have to dash back to Bristol to sign up for classes). My computer problems are basically fixed. Lastly, Glastonbury will soon be upon us once more. My yearly pilgrimage there is, in many ways, the only real holiday I get these days. Once I’m back from that, I’ll have to put my nose to the grindstone: I have five websites in various stages of development, a Finals essay on Epistemology to plan and write, and various short stories to complete (more on this at a later date).

The future looks busy, but that’s ok; busy, I can handle. At any rate, I should be writing again, and my five (or is it six?) visitors can once again groan at the excessive verbosity and lacklustre musings that characterise my posts.