This post on Central Scrutinizer turned up in my referrer logs yesterday. Marco Rosella took the rumoured Weblogs, Inc. buyout prices, applied them to the 9rules Network, and used Technorati’s numbers to work out how much each site in the network would be worth.

Much to my surprise, this site is apparently not the lowest-ranked in the network; in fact, there are four whole sites below it! Why this should be so, I’m not at all sure; the vagaries of the internet, I guess. Perhaps I just get an unusually large number of rubberneckers.

In any case, the buyout price would apparently be around $5,650—that’s £3,190 in real money. Some quick back-of-envelope calculations reveal that this would pay my rent for the next year, as well as internet, phone and electricity bills, and still leave money over to go to the pub occasionally.

I’m not sure why anyone would want to buy this blog, and if you do (since all 9rules members still own their sites) you have to pay me; Scrivs can’t just nick the money and jump on a plane for Argentina.

That said, if you can top AOL’s buyout price, I wouldn’t mind being able to blow my student loan on a Powerbook (it would also stop me from feeling guilty about not posting here more often, heh).