number 9 dream

David Mitchell’s number9dream draws its title from the John Lennon song ‘#9 Dream’. The 9rules Network draws its name from their nine rules.

My singleminded desire for internet fame has led me to throw in my lot with this gang of crooks; glancing up and to the left, you will notice that I’m now flying their flag. It’s not quite a Jolly Roger, but as in Eiji Miyake’s Tokyo, all may not be as it seems: that friendly-looking leaf may portend the imminent arrival (via hypertext link from the 9rules weblog) of interdimensional entities hellbent on the death or enslavement of all free peoples.

I, at least, welcome our new cephalopod overlords, and I know there are those amongst the current readership of this site who harbour sympathies for and even affection towards these tentacled creatures. In any case, I have pulled on a shiny new skin to greet the visitors.

‘Mobile’ isn’t quite complete—I still need to tweak the various category and date-based archive pages—but it should all basically work. A note for Internet Explorer users: due to that browser’s bad handling of the box model, the category listing in the archives vanishes off the side of the window. When I know how to fix it, I will fix it. Until then, you’ll just have to suffer. If you happen to notice any other bugs, let me know.

I should probably also point out that the portfolio is gone. The articles have come to dominate this site, with the business side withering away, and it seemed a suitable moment to kill it off altogether. Getting new clients isn’t really a priority right now; with the new term looming, I’m focusing on finishing the work I have already. The portfolio will probably reappear somewhere else eventually, just not in the immediate future. Building a business will have to take a back seat for a while.

9rules member

Tarski: an elegant, flexible WordPress theme


kind of liked the old one better, as this has less depth. changing the shadow distance on the fish might help a bit. the new layout seems superior, but as i said, it could use a little definition. like the side-mounted comment fields (please un-default subscribe to comments!!111).

carry on.


Welcome to 9rules! I think it’s a good idea to skip the portfolio concerns for now, and like you said - focus on school. I didn’t hit the books too hard in college, as much of what they were teaching me I didn’t really find that interesting. Yet, the more you study now, the more it will pay off in the future. :)

Nathan: I’d imagine so, given that I hope to do a Master’s in Philosophy. ;)

Eric: done. Changed the label to make it a bit more obvious what the option does. Maybe you’ll comment more now?